Monday, October 17, 2011

You were born with goodness, whereever you go now.

I was all gung ho several months ago to keep this blog thing going, and then the summer was over and I was back at work...So yeah.

You maybe asking yourself what Jake and I have been up to? Or not asking yourself that question, that's okay too. We saw Yellowstone with the family, which was so beautiful and so humbling. I'm not super outdoorsy by any means, but sometimes nature is the most stunning thing you can see in the world.

Other than that, I'm just super excited for Halloween. We've planned a few dinner parties, and I'm so thrilled to host. The problem with being a homebody is you never have enough people to say, "Come over and I will feed you too!" This could partially due the fact that Jake and I are sort of in a period of flux. Many of the people we were formerly friends with had very different values than we had. Not saying that their values aren't okay, but as the differences start to grow and by default people grow apart.

But we're happy. I can't believe it has been almost ten months since we got married. It seriously feels like yesterday. We're planning to be sealed in the Draper temple on our anniversary, and from there I hope we do some other fun things that day. I'm really excited that we'll be able to spend not only this life, but eternity together.

Also, if you haven't thoroughly listened to Brandon Flowers album "Flamingo", you should. It's amazing. I've always loved the Killers, and even got to meet the band several years ago. I love Brandon's most recent album, because it has a lot of the religious themes you'd assume might come from an LDS background...But it's more subtle. And the music's just gorgeous. I pretty much love anything that man touches musically.